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Celebrating 50 Years of Earth Day!

Did you know that April 22nd marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day?  As we adapt to the restrictions of social distancing, one thing we can celebrate is our shrinking carbon footprint. During this newfound journey, we are here to serve our clients today and tomorrow building energy-efficient homes designed to soak in natural light and ventilation. Modular construction maximizes the use of building materials and utilizes waste to energy practices which means far less waste in landfills.  A tighter building envelope combined with the insulation package we include in each home means greater energy efficiency and savings for the homeowner. Our homes are better for the families living in them and for our environment. What are some easy ways to reduce that carbon footprint even more?  Continue to reduce and consolidate trips to the store. Pick up needed items for neighbors and alternate trips to the store with friends. Wash and carry your own reusable s...

Millennials as Homebuyers

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For generations, a large part of the American Dream has included capturing the opportunity of becoming a homeowner. The feeling of achieving an investment that one can call their own is highly sought after. Is this desire universal, though? There seems to be a growing curiosity to understand whether or not millennials, too, envision home ownership within their future plans.

Recent research reveals that millennials, just like preceding generations, include homeownership within their realm of the American Dream. Although they also wish to achieve this goal, that does not mean that they put emphasis on the same ideas of homeownership as the generations before them. They, of course, have defined their own vision.

Millennials are becoming first time homebuyers, especially because, in many cases, it is cheaper to buy than rent. For this reason, many millennial homeowners invest in the "fixer-uppers" on the lower end of the price spectrum.

With that said, "the bigger, the better" is not always true within the millennial generation. In most cases, millennials' home sizes fall below 2,000 square feet. To be exact, 68% of millennials prefer to live in homes 2,000 square feet or smaller. They are a seemingly modest generation. Perhaps the reason for this is because they are more interested in spending their money on experience based extracurriculars such as traveling. This could also be a contributing factor to their dedication to those homes requiring some extra elbow grease and TLC. All in all, millennials are willing to give up a little for an overall more wholesome lifestyle.

While we are ferociously curious about this generation, millennials too possess similar future-building ideals as the generations before them. They may have their own way of doing things, customized to their lifestyle aspirations, but millennials do envision homeownership within their big picture of the American Dream.  


  1. We are glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your comment.

  2. My kids belong to this so called Generation X and yes, they prefer experiences than indulging in possessions. They love to travel and so, they chose smaller homes than what they had when they were growing up. One of the things they love are modest modular homes although one my daughter chose a 4 bedroom modular home for her family. I think they love being free of maintenance and the clutter that can happen when your place is too big. For more information ,check out


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